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Yahoo! TNS Net Index: Social Network User Is More Picky

Yahoo! TNS Index’s research result also reveals the behavior of social network user in Indonesia. Although still dominating internet usage through cell phone, Yahoo! TNS Index’s news release reveals that the activity of social network no longer shows any progress. Instead, the research shows that social network user in Indonesia has become more picky in choosing friends on social network.

Not only picky, Jhoni Tuerah, Client Advisor for TNS Indonesia Research Institute, as reported by Antaranews, also says that social network account owner – in Facebook and Twitter, for example – makes sure that the circle of their contacts is as small as possible.

Therefore, social network user in Indonesia avoids some circles of friends. Coworkers are the most avoided circle of friend in the social network. The list is followed by friends who they met only twice in real life and people who live out of town or out of country in the third place.

As for people considered friends in the social network, Indonesian people put their daily friends in the first place. Family members placed third in the list after long lost friend in the second place.

Yahoo! TNS Net Index also reveals another fact on social network user behavior in Indonesia in relation to the utilization of “Like” feature on Facebook. According to the survey result, news sites get “Like” from 38% users. This is higher than celebrity (31%), brand (19%) and TV shows (16%).

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