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Multiply Launched Its Newest Appearance

On October 5th, Multiply announced the change of the whole site appearance (standard appearance for users). This is in accordance with the development that has just done including its Multiply Commerce platform. Multiply Commerce now becomes the focus of their e-commerce activity.

The most significant change is the permanent navigation on the homepage. When you login to the Multiply account, this change will be seen on the menu on the top of the page and also the bar lengthwise consist of navigation options to see the inbox, marketplace, stock room, users’ sites and searching column. You may see the navigation for the shopping cart, account, help, log out, and posting shortcut above the bar. The posting option is for uploading blog, photos, and so on in one page.

You can also make adjustment to make the navigation menu be “drop down menu”. It is quite interesting for me and it helps to browse, including to see friends’ pages. This adjustment can be done in the My Account - preference. This bar will keep shown when we open other user’s page with the adapted color of other users’ Multiply. I found at least three basic colors: blue, black, and grey.

As explained previously, the change is for optimizing the Multiply’s commerce. One of them is the easiness to find stores from marketplace menu. There are some store categories in the marketplace and searching column. Although almost all searching topics are available, the top search is the marketplace.

As announced on Multiply, there is a change on the marketplace. Featured Sellers are shown in carousel style. There are also Featured Products and Best Seller. In addition, the category menu is on the left of the page.

I am a Multiply user. Although I am not a seller, I think the change is quite comfortable including for the non-seller users. The new navigation can be the short cut to see my personal account. Besides, the searching menu is including blog, name, and photos make us easy to find contents. The design does not change significantly - the typical appearance of Multiply is still there - but with more modern taste.

However, if we see the posting on the Multiply Indonesia announcement page, there are some complaints for its users about the PM facilities. Multiply stated that there are some bugs to deal with. Therefore, Multiply will accept any complaints from the users to make it better.

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